Anime: Fate/Apocrypha
Title: Fate/Apocrypha Original Soundtrack I
Genre: Instrumental
Release: 27 December 2017
Label: ℗ 2017 Aniplex
Password rar/zip: popyrockz
01. Fate/Apocrypha
02. Necromancer
03. The Great Holy Grail War
04. The Great Holy Grail War - Ambience Mix
05. Tense Encounter
06. Sieg - Nightmare
07. Say Hello
08. Thoughts Flows On
09. In the Past
10. A Mystic Meeting
11. Ambition
12. Where it begins
13. The Knight of Rebelion
14. Ruler - Prayer
15. Ruler - Execution
16. Fate/Apocrypha - Battle
17. What Comes Next
18. Affection
19. Sieg - Alive
20. Invasion
21. Sexology
22. Everything is a Story
23. Something's Going On
24. Jack the Ripper
25. Fate/Apocrypha - Hope
26. Savior
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